Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog Action Day: How Bloggers Can Combat Climate Change

''1. Write About It

The first step to combat any problem is to recognize that we do have a problem. Many people still ignore (deliberately or not) the threats of climate change, and that is why it is important to get as many people as possible discussing about the issue.

The purpose of the Blog Action Day is exactly that: to get bloggers from around the world talking about the same issue on the same day. If we manage to generate enough buzz, the messages will propagate through mainstream media and beyond, reaching the general public.

Make sure to participate and write a post about climate change today.

2. Make Your Home Office Eco-Friendly

There are many hardware changes you can make to reduce your energy consumption. If you are still using a CTR monitor, for instance, you could purchase an LCD, which consumes much less energy.

Secondly, look for energy efficiency labels whenever buying an electronic device. This is particularly important when purchasing light bulbs, as efficient ones will save as much as 80% on energy consumption.

3. Make Your Habits Eco-Friendly

Apart from changing your hardware you can also save energy by changing your habits. Instead of driving everyday to the office, for instance, try to telecommute a couple of days a week.''

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