Thursday, April 28, 2011

ARKive - Common octopus video - Octopus vulgaris - 00

The cephalopods (meaning ‘head-footed) are a group of molluscs that contain the octopuses, squid and cuttlefish, and are probably the most intelligent of all invertebrates. They have well-developed heads, with large complex eyes and mouths that feature beak-like jaws. All octopuses have eight tentacle-like arms; indeed ‘octopus’ derives from the Greek for ‘eight-footed’ (3). The common octopus usually measures around 60 centimetres in length, but it can grow up to 1 metre (2). It is able to change its colour depending on its mood and situation, but individuals are usually greyish-yellow or brownish-green with extensive mottling. They are often very well camouflaged (2). The body is warty, and the thick arms bear two rows of suckers (4).
ARKive - Common octopus video - Octopus vulgaris - 00

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